Author: Emily Myrick
JHU MSIL and MSEM students in the lobby of New York Google offices.
MSIL and MSEM students tour New York Google office during Immersion Program.

MSIL students consult for Baltimore- area businesses, visit Google and Bloomberg L.P offices in New York City

Last week, several MSIL students participated in the Immersion Program, an annual immersive experience in January that sends students onsite to work with project partners, tour company facilities, engage in cultural experiences, and network with alumni. MSIL students can opt to participate in this program during the intersession semester.

They were matched with clients and worked in teams to solve their business problems. The projects ranged from exploring new market opportunities for Maryland craft brewers, and examining the feasibility of a new municipal parking garage in downtown Salisbury, to bringing an innovative furniture recycling initiative much closer to fruition.

Lizzy Xu and Winnie Chen with classmate in Google office lobby.

MSIL students Lizzy Xu, Winnie Chen, and Jiaya Cai visit the New York Google offices.

MSIL student Lizzy Xu’s team worked with a client seeking to bring a hemp-infused beverage to market, which provided a number of learning opportunities. “My team and I collaborated with [our project partner] to develop a go-to-market strategy, focusing on regulatory compliance and brand positioning. We reviewed numerous laws across different states to see if there was opportunity for THC products selling in Maryland. We also conducted market research to identify consumer trends. Through this project, I gained experience in navigating complex regulations, conducting user-centric research, and aligning stakeholder interests. The process is crucial for launching a new product in a competitive market.”


Weekend in New York

During their time off, the students enjoyed a weekend in New York City, where they visited the Google and Bloomberg L.P. offices. They also had time to visit the Museum of Modern Art and the Natural History Museum as well as attend a happy hour with New York-area alumni.

MSIL students in a gallery of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

MSIL students tour the New York Museum of Modern Art.

MSIL student Winnie Chen said the highlight of the trip was visiting the Google and Bloomberg L.P. offices. “It was fascinating to observe how each company had a completely different working style. Getting an inside look at their operations and workplace dynamics provided a unique perspective on how businesses adapt their cultures and workflows. This experience was particularly inspiring because it offered practical insights into corporate environments, which helped us understand the variety of ways organizations function and thrive.”


Maryland Connections

The students also had the opportunity to visit communities across Maryland to establish working relationships with several of Maryland’s influential decision makers. The students met with Maryland Technology Council President Kelly Schulz, senior gubernatorial advisor Mollie Byron and Howard County Executive Calvin Ball.

Maryland Technology Council President Kelly Schulz speaks with group of MSIL students.

Maryland Tech Council President Kelly Schulz speaks with MSIL students during Immersion Program.

This well-rounded experience will provide a lasting impact, Chen said. “The program provides hands-on experience to solve real-world problems, and the opportunity to interact with alumni, local officials, and industry leaders offers invaluable networking and mentorship opportunities. Visiting museums and companies in New York adds another layer of learning, exposing students to new ideas and perspectives. This blend of academic, professional, and cultural experiences equips students with a well-rounded skill set that prepares them for future challenges in leadership and innovation,” said Chen.